Inspiration File

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mum Day

Well it was Mothers Day last weekend and that means the annual 5K run with Mum! Last week I was really gearing up to train for the 5K... Monday I ran 30 mins and Tuesday I did a good leg work out... thinking that would straighten my muscles for the run in 5 days... lol. BUT!!! by Wednesday my scheduled rest day... I had a soar throat... and by Thursday I had a sinus headache that wouldn't go away with any amount of drugs... so my plan to run Thursday and Friday didn't happen and by Saturday I was in full blown cold mode and driving with Gabby and Lily to see mum in Calgary... horrible drive... driving with a cold is no fun... I am however getting a bit better at blowing my nose with one hand! The girls were great on the ride up since it was just me and no Chris, he was with his Mum! The puppies sat in the front seat... for a little bit both of them tried squishing on my while I was driving... and I don't have have cruse control so my legs were falling asleep a bit... haha. anyway we made it safe and sound! Mum, Dad and Jaime were there all doing great! Went to bed at 8ish on Saturday and was praying I'd wake up feeling at least 70% better...
Nope... I did put on my running gear just in case... but when I walked the girls I was getting winded... so no dice... no running for me... boo almost felt like I let my mum down, but she said it was fine and there is always next year... I still want to run a 5K so I'll have to register for one here in the Hat... But Jaime and Mum ran it in 29.52 and mum was 65th out of 347 in her age group so GO MUM!!! Dad and I were the cheering team and after the run we went to Nellie's the traditional breakfast place after the mum day run! Yum yum I had french toast my weakness which I love ooo so much! It was wonderful to see the rents! and Jaime too!
Drove home Sunday afternoon and Monday I was off work with my first sick day and gone to the walk in clinic to get some strong Antibiotics!
Until Next Time -J

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