Inspiration File

Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend Update

Well another weekend to be blogged about! Quite a bit going on which is always exciting!! Friday I was off work at 12:30 to see the girls and get ready to drive to Calgary for RUSSELL PETERS 20th anniversary tour at the Saddledome! WEEHOO! It was great so funny, and pretty much all new jokes since the last time we saw him! We were directly across the building from him... so we didn't have to move our head just look forward and we could see him on the two big screens and just a little Russell on the stage! But it was awesome!!! We did have a crazy lady across from us who CLEARLY was pre-drinking before she came and still drinking because her laugh was sooo annoying and she would yell out odd things during the show... we also had a man on the other side of us who unfortunately had a huge muscle spasm in the middle of the show and couldn't walk or stand to leave... eventually he did go and get it looked at... That was Friday!

On to Saturday! I had a shopping day with MUM!!! and Chris had another concert to go to Saturday night and he was off with his brothers around 1ish. Jaime was working and Dad is in Chili until July 5th! So my mum and I did a quick trip to the mall found a sale at the Gap and the went down to Kennsignton street and it was great fun! We found a cool store that made vintage inspired clothes and I got this funky tank top and a sweet necklace... I need to take photos of them... *note to self*... we also found another place that had super expensive fashionable things but also some reasonably priced items and my mum bought me this super cute dress that I can just throw on and it has pockets in the front... CUTE! I just need to accessorise it... with my new necklace! SHABAM! and perhaps get some sun because I am so pasty white it is scary... oooo and I saw the most amazing shoes there... I didn't even try them on for fear of wanting to buy them... but

ANOTHER cool place can't remember what it is called... I do believe I grabbed a business card from... but my mum found green shoes there that she bought and it had cool bags, shoes and accessories as well. TOO FUN! we did go to Crave Cupcakes at the end of our trip and they only had a few flavours left ... and there was a line up... so we did not get any and CLEARLY they are no where near Ms. Sarah's Cuppitycakes Cupcakery! Here we are waiting for the train.
Now you can kinda see my new necklace! it is the bobble thing around my neck...
Okay so back at the rents house we had the three dogs and Lily fresh off of her spay and nose job. Now the vet told us to limit her activity because she did just have major surgery... well that is way to hard to do with crazy Jasper who they say is three... but acts like a little puppy ... so they played... and then you pulled them apart to make them stop playing then they played again and again and again... It's so hard to tell a puppy to stop playing... so we just made sure it wasn't near her tummy or to much on her face! Gabby is still a little witch and doesn't like when Jasper plays with Lily... so she barks... bah! I do not want a yappy dog! and we forgot our spray bottle that we use to spray them to stop barking... or eating the wrong food... so it was a noise weekend of crazy doggies! But it was still GREAT!

Okay this isn't the best close up picture of Lily... but if you look super close you can see she has stitches on her nose from her nose job... and I haven't taken a picture of her belly but she has stitches all up her belly too. Notice there is no cone head! She didn't have to get one, she has been a good girl and hasn't been scratching or licking her tummy! She has however managed to get one of her little stitch things insider her nose and she keeps sneezing it out... we tried to get in out with tweezers and Chris got it out once but then it went right back in her nose... so hopefully it doesn't bother her too much. She gets the stitches out July 6th I think...

So do you notice the wire in the picture... well Miss GABBY has to wear a lead when she it outside in my parents backyard... and so does Lily (she got out too but I caught her right away)... but my rents have a picket fence... but it kinda over laps and I thought it would be safe and Gabby wouldn't be able to get through it.... I was wrong! Saturday morning she busted out and was running around!! BAH dog! I was running after her in my PJ's and dads backyard gardening crock's! I thought I lost her for a bit and started to freak out... I saw her and she was starting to go up the road to the busy section and and I was running after her screaming nicely... mean while a OLD SENILE MAN says as I run past him... ' you should put a leash on that thing' well HONESTLY!!.... so I said as polite as possible 'she got out thanks!' and then another man was walking his dog and Gabby went to go smell the dog and I grabbed her! WHY must she bolt!!! She needs to go to obedience school and so does Lily for her constant barking at all noises and people when they enter the home! any rant.... we had a wonderful weekend and here are a few more pictures!

Oh and can you believe the Oxi-Clean man passed away yesterday... my gosh! I really enjoyed how he yelled through all his commercials...

Well tomorrow is Canada Day! Happy day off and celebrate Canada's Bday! I should make strawberry french toast... mmm

Until Next Time -

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cupcakes on the Brain...

Well it is mid-afternoon and I've been looking at CUPCAKE blogs since 1pm... and what I really want right know is a CUPCAKE... o boy do I ever! It is amazing at how many CUPCAKE blogs there are... I could look for hours at work... at CUPCAKES! and I mean I could probably look at cupcake blogs for eight hours... with a one hour lunch break to let the dogs out... every day of the week! and not to mention that they are blogs so most of them update everyday with new pictures and recipe's and give-a-ways and fun new ways to make CUPCAKES! I YI YI!!! I'm not even a CUPCAKE baker... but Ms. Sarah is the best CUPCAKE baker ever (CUPPITYCAKES CUPCAKERY) and I hope she doesn't mind but ... I continually find fab sites and forward them to her so she can check them out! Now Sarah is always make new creations just recently she sent me a picture VIA text message of a cake that looks like a Pizza! I do love pizza and cake! TOO COOL! Can't wait too see what she comes up with next! I really do hope she starts her own blog so she can share all of her cupcake adventures!!!!!!!

Okay... in other news... I just heard on the radio that Michael Jackson has died... o dear could be a rumor other sources are saying he is just hospitalized.

I also heard Farrah Fawcett has passed away this morning as well...

well, we will eat a cupcake for them. Cheers.

Until Next Time - ... I still want a CUPCAKE

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

IT's Mulch TIME

Finally we mulched! So after a couple weeks of having a load of mulch in old blue it was nice enough and we had the time to put down our landscaping fabric and then mulch our flower beds... more like weed beds... in the backyard! HAZZA! so pics of BEFORE and AFTER :o)

before the corner tree

after - with mulch and tree trimming

before - corner by the ally

after with beautiful mulch

before - other corner sans mulch

after - photo taken in the morning because I remembered I forgot to take this corner picture!I do have a tendency to not take enough before pictures because I just want to get started and forget about the camera... ah well!

On to the Front Yard! My rents were here last weekend and we did a quick trip to Home Depot and they bought us some pretty plants/flowers for our front :o) But it was raining Sunday so we did not plant them then. Although, then it worked out and Teresa was at the house last night helping us mulch and she had bought us a nice little bush for the front as well. So here we go!

before - right side of the house

after- with the mulch... little messy but what a pretty flower bush from Teresa and then a petunia beside the big rock! The other side will be getting the same pretty flower bush they are perennials!
now... I did not really get a good before picture of the left side of the house...

So you can kinda see the dirt in the front bed there... Mr. Chris looks thrilled, he was digging the holes for the flowers and we are placing and planting the flowers!

after- the left side of the house! Woohoo!

we had lots of fun and it didn't take too long. Now we just have to work on our backyard grass... that is pretty much just dirt piles with weeds on it and grassy patches! woohoo! one thing at a time!

And here is Mr. Chris watering our new plants with our cooler... time to invest in a large watering can or even a hose... we had one... but had to cut it and use it to drain our water tank this one time when it was leaking... we did ride it out for the whole winter and in the spring it burst... now we have a new one.

Well in case you were worried or wondering Mr. Chris got a call from the vet today saying Lily is doing fine with her surgery and we can phone tomorrow around 10:00 to book a time to pick her up. They like to give them a bath and feed them breakfast in the morning. Woohoo a bath for Lily! Miss her and its just been one night! Gabby was looking out the front window all night... I was telling myself it is because she is looking for Lily...

Until Next Time -

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meeting Mr. Jasper!

Lily and Jasper had such a great time playing together this weekend! It was quite funny watching Jasper this big dog flopping around and going into play pose with Lily... who just barks when she gets excited... which is a pain in the butt... so she get sprayed with a water bottle... but a few minutes later she just does it again... ANYWAY it was super cute watching these two chasing each other and Jasper's huge mouth playfully biting at Lily!
Promise this is just playing! Jasper is such a gentle dog! It is funny because that is what Lily does to Gabby... bites her elbows!

Gabby wasn't really in the playing mood... she would bark when Chris an I would pay too much attention to Jasper and she just wanted to chew on the bone and didn't want Lily and Jasper to get in her way.... what a princess... we did not raise her to be a little witch!

Jasper plays just like a puppy!!

See Jasper's ear...the tip of it was bitten off by another dog when he was a puppy :o( My rents got him from a shelter that takes in stray dogs from Native Reserves and Mr. Jasper they think is three years old... and is part German Shepherd and perhaps wolf... he has great teeth!

Too Cute! Well we are off to Calgary next weekend and the girls will reunite with Mr. Jasper. Also in other news. Miss Lilypad is off to the vet today... she is getting spayed... and getting nose surgery to get her little nose holes opened for her airways... Chris is dropping her off... I just didn't think I could do it... She has to stay at the vet TWO NIGHTS! we do not get her back until Thursday... well pictures of her with cone on her head will for surely be posted!
Until Next Time -

Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend UPdate!

The theme for my brother in-laws 26th bday bash, hosted by none other than Mr. Chris and Ms. Julia Lawrence - co-hosted by Miss. Gabby and Miss. Lily - !
What a fun theme, and everyone dressed up and played the part! - except for the RANDOMS that I did not know that came later in the evening... (they were kinda friends of the bday boy) who did jump on our trampoline... with out asking... but they left with everyone else to go to the bar soon after arriving... so that was good...
ANYWAY! it was great and I have some fab fab pictures to share!
The HOSTESSES! P.s we did let the Bday Boy take this... so its a bit blurry! OUR BAD! BAHAHA

Mr. Chris - Darren (Friend) - Cody (Bday Boy) - Justin (Brother of Cody and Chris)


Camellia (Cody's Fiance) - Ms. Julia PS I have a badminton racket... so technically I am a 'Badminton Ho' ... something about the shuttle cock thing...

We even had a Putt Putt Golf Game!! Too Fun!

I used my funky button on my camera and made the green putt putt grass POP! It's blurry... should have used the TRIPOD!


More TENNIS HO's and One Badminton HO!

Now... you see those manly moustaches those men are sporting.... guess what they are made of... well well well... story goes... Justin that man in the picture below...

He came into the house asking for a marker for a moustache... and we thought maybe a mascara mustache would be better then black permanent marker... so I dig through my makeup bag and find an older brown mascara and leave him to it in the washroom... well minutes later he comes out with... a great moustache... and says ... as every one ooos and ahhhs over it.... that he didn't use the mascara it wouldn't layer right... he just found an eyeliner and used it...... GASP! OMG! DON"T WORRY JUST BREATH... DON"T OVER REACT .... I run into the bathroom hoping it is not my good black mascara... that I don't wear very much but its good and it was expensive and and and I hope he didn't use it please please please.... LUCKY DUCK! He didn't use it! he used my cheep older brown one... close call!!! So as you can see from previous pictures the rest of the guys decided a eyeliner moustache was a GREAT idea for a GOLF PRO!
Egads! running out of time! I have another great weekend adventure about Jasper that I will share with you tomorrow!

Until Next Time -

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Laughter is the best Medicine!

I have been taken down by the flu/fever/cold! Where it came from I do not know but it came fast and hard! BAHAHa... not really a laughing matter at the time... Started out like a soar throat and I thought it was perhaps a soar throat from the fan in our room and it being really dry... well I was wrong... by noon I went home for lunch and changed into comfy clothes and had nausea and a head cold... then in the afternoon back at work it became the hot sweaty and then the freezing cold shivers... I wasn't even doing anything at work... but for some reason I decided to stay... needless to say I went home straight to bed and had some chicken noodle soup and ginger ale! Had a crap sleep and called in sick to work the next morning and slept late and woke up to little Lily pad yelping from her kennel... let the girls out and made some toast... made myself super comfortable on the couch and proceeded to watch Will and Grace Season 8 from start to finish! What a WONDERFUL DAY! by the afternoon the fever had left and I wasn't nearly as nauseous so I just sat and watch and laughed and cried! It is the last season so it got a little emotional... it took me from around 10:30 in the morning to 7:30... even the girls were so good and just hung out with me and I left the patio door open so they just went in and out as they pleased :o) Now back at work with a head cold but that is okay. Unfortunately I was... maybe still am... supposed to run a 5K with my mum and brother again on fathers day... but alas I haven't ran all week and I have a blasted cold like on mothers day!!! what is with my immune system this past few months! bah! I went for not getting a cold or anything for a whole year to getting just pooped on!... such is life... maybe it's time to go to the health food store and get some multi-vitamins... we shall see. Either way I had a FABULOUS time watching Jack, Karen, Will and Grace... don't forget Rosie and the other cameo's from Alec Baldwin and other famous people I can't remember there name but new they were famous for something!

Until Next Time –

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

And the Adventure Continues!

BIKES! These are Sarah's Roomies Bikes and they are the collapsible fold up bikes. They are very different looking but give you very proper posture while your ride them!
Next up on the adventure is going to the Canadian Tire to find a house warming gift for Terry. Well you wouldn't be live the mayhem that went on at the McD's beside Crappy Tire!

Lets see shall we!

What is this smoke! What is going on! That blue truck look! Lets park close and take pictures!

ABORT ABORT! The smoke is getting blacker... back up back up, SARAH get back in the car!!! park farther away... seems like it hasn't gotten to the gas tank it could blow any second!!

Lets just use the zoom and take a picture of the CRAZY flames... Some one must have called the Firemen for sure! This is getting out of control!

Here they come to save the day!!

Fire has been put out and we are off to find something in Crappy Tire!!

By the time we were finished they were towing the burnt little blue truck!

Now we are off to RIMBEY! Which in one of my Previous Posts... I spelt wrong... Forgot the E in RIMB'E'Y. Now we know!

Hello and Goodbye RIMBEY, how we enjoyed our stay! Terry's house is gorgeous and made Amy and I believe we live in little tiny rundown homes... but something to look up too one day! We meet a little boy who was full of life and kicked me in the back a few times... I didn't bruise if you were wondering... but he sure did play MONSTER TRUCK RALLY on Charlee's chest! What a character! We also met two cute dogs who were already better behaved then Gabby and Lily... the owner did train German Shepard's to be RCMP dogs... could have something to do with it... ah I love my girls even if some people believe they are UGLY/CUTE. CUGLY... is what one may call it.... everyone is entitled to there own opinion... I will not judge them or hold it against them.

Well our next adventure brings us back to Red Deer then resuming on to Innsifail... to see none other than the DAINES RODEO! That will be for another day.

Until Next Time -
Goodbye RIMBEY tire man - How tall you stand.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Cupcake of an Adventure

What a Weekend! I did leave Medicine Hat in good time and made in to Innisfail in a little less than 4 hours. I did see some wildlife... gofers, birds and one black cow on the side of the highway! I also encountered some heavy rain and lightning... The sky ahead of me was turning black so I took some pictures whilst driving...
When arriving in Innisfail Sarah was still finishing up her cupcakes so I went to her rental kitchen! I took some pictures, Chatted with her Gramps, and then helped with the Mojito cupcake... I put the chocolate chips on! YEAH! and did the dishes and helped box them up for the MARKET!
I put those chippits on... yah... BIG DEAL! I also ate this one on Sunday and It was quite delicious! Mega YUMMY.

Sarah icing her Classic Cupcake with her Signature Colour. BRIGHT PINK!

Carrot Cake

Bubble Yum!

Sarah Icing her Mocha Cupcake!

We were up by 5am to get ready for the Farmers Market. What a fun Adventure! We got there at a pretty good time and we had a long line up behind us for people waiting to get a stall. We ended up squeezing into a small spot between a local farm who was selling meats and a photographer her did family and glamor shots! And when she said Glamor shots all I could think about was Deb from Napoleon Dynamite! So funny! Bahaha.
Anyway here are some pictures from the Farmers Market! I also bought some beef jerky for Chris and two little dog bandanna's for Gabby and Lily - pictures to come.
These are Lolly Cakes or Cake Pops!

Leaving the Market on the way back to Innifail! She sold all but Three Cupcakes and had lots of questions asked! And we didn't even burn out in the sun! Just on the ride back Sarah got a bit of burnt drivers arm... it happens!

Okay I'm going to end this Cupcake adventure for now... but we still have the rest of the Saturday Adventure in Innisfail and it was just as great!